Ken jeong ha gay meme

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(He has a donut in his right hand)'ĭale: 'I'm Dale. He's testing you to see how much he can get away with?' Could you make me a grilled-cheese sandwich?' '.Me and my dad decided that your mom was really hot and maybe we should just both bang her, and we'll put up with the retard in the meantime.'ĭale: 'Hey, Nancy. '.I've been called 'The Songbird of My Generation' by people who have heard me.'ĭale had dropped out of college in hopes of becoming a medical doctor, like Robert!? There should be no ranking system for toughness.' I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf.' And she grabs me by the wiener.' And she takes one look at me, and she goes: 'Oh, my god. I've got a luscious V of hair going from my chest pubes down to my ball-fro. Suppose Nancy sees me coming out of the shower and decides to come on to me. 'My dad's king of the castle, so if he wants fancy sauce.'ĭale: 'Alright, here's a scenario for you, Dad. because I'll drop that motherbleepĮr' '.Which eliminates the need to put your face between those breasts.' I would not expect you to call him Dad.'īrennan: 'Well, I'm not going to, ever, even if there's a fire! Robert better not get in my face. Nancy Huff (Mary Steenburgen): 'Brennan, you're 39 years old. Brennan Huff (Will Ferrell): 'I didn't want salmon! I said it four times!'

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